Bloxstrap v2.8.6 Latest
Just one last fix before 2025.
Bug fixes
- Fixes the UnauthorizedAccessException crash.
Bloxstrap v2.8.5
Bug fixes
- Removed a check that never worked in the first place
- Updated translations
- Added missing Malay credits
- Disabled automatically opening the changelogs for select updates
Bloxstrap v2.8.4
I’m so sorry for the amount of updates I’ve been pushing. HOPEFULLY this one fixes all the problems.
Bug fixes
- Fixes the Win32Exception exception (I hate Microsoft)
Bloxstrap v2.8.3
Hi guys welcome to my new bloxstrap hotfix showcase
Bug fixes
- (hopefully) Fixed some Roblox installations being corrupted after the update
- If Roblox still fails to launch after this update, go to Bloxstrap settings, Bootstrapper, and enable “Force Roblox reinstallation”
- Updated some translations
Bloxstrap v2.8.2
Hi guys welcome to my new bloxstrap version showcase
- Reverted back to the old version structure
- Removed Ko-fi links
- Removed Hebrew translations due to a lack of translators
- Previous settings are now backed up on crash
- Added Dutch, Filipino, Indonesian, and Korean translations!
Bug fixes
- Optimised resources
- Fixed the CompareVersions crash
- Added measures to prevent installation inside of Program Files
- Hopefully fixed the logs crash
- Hopefully fixed the font apply crash
- Fixed a crash caused by upgrading Bloxstrap
- Fixed a grammatical error, Bloxstrap has been saved
Bloxstrap v2.8.1
Hi! This is a minor patch to 2.8.0 that fixes and improves a bunch of issues.
Because this had to be released on short notice, if you’re not using Bloxstrap in English then you may notice some stuff that hasn’t been translated. We also didn’t get time to do proper testing, so if you encounter any bugs or issues then please report them. Sorry about that.
- The engine setting preset for the Roblox escape menu version has been removed. It’s become increasingly unstable overtime as Roblox continues to make breaking changes to how it works. It may be readded at a later date when we can support it properly.
- We’ve made changes to what analytics we collect. We no longer log package download states, but we do now log exceptions that occur. See the privacy policy for more information about that.
- In the main menu, pressing the tab key now jumps to selecting the “Launch Roblox” button.
- We’ve added the ability to easily export diagnostic data through Bloxstrap Settings.
- We’ve also added the ability to use the classic Bloxstrap logo in the bootstrapper, for those who fear change.
Bug fixes
- Roblox launch detection has been improved, and should no longer false flag for some users.
- Roblox can now be run as an Administrator.
- Firefox launch issues should now be fixed.
- Fixed connectivity errors in the bootstrapper not being properly handled.
- Improved Roblox upgrade reliability.
- Fixed an issue where deleting a modded file could cause an exception on launch.
- Fixed the “Open log file” option not showing in the activity tracker menu.
- Fixed exclusive fullscreen not working, and the “Allow Bloxstrap to manage Fast Flags” option is now back.
- Fixed a bug where choosing an emoji mod preset could cause an exception.
- Fixed issues with phantom Bloxstrap processes hanging in the background.
Bloxstrap v2.8.0
Introducing the first version of Bloxstrap that is, in my opinion, actually usable.
This version is mostly dedicated to cleaning up the terrible design decisions that have been plaguing Bloxstrap for the past two years. In short, this version is featuring a lot of big changes. Though, we also have a bunch of new things too!
- There is now an analytics system, which will be enabled by default. See the privacy policy for more information about that. You can disable it in Bloxstrap Settings under the “Bloxstrap” tab.
- Featuring the ability to view your game history, allowing you to see a summary of your play session or quickly rejoin servers.
- Featuring the ability to show what Roblox account you’re playing with on your Discord Rich Presence activity.
- Featuring a new tool called “test mode”, which allows you to easily test how your configured settings actually affect Roblox.
- BloxstrapRPC now features the ability to set launch data for invite deeplinks.
- Bloxstrap now has a proper installation UI, instead of barfing all the options in your face the first time you use it.
- Bloxstrap now has a general launch menu. Running the Bloxstrap executable directly now shows this menu instead of just launching Roblox.
- It’s now possible to cancel the bootstrapper when Roblox is in the middle of launching.
- Bloxstrap now verifies if Roblox launches properly.
- Bloxstrap now remembers the position and size of your Settings window.
- Reporting a GitHub issue through the exception dialog now automatically includes the corresponding log file.
- Bloxstrap now warns you of unsaved changes when you close the Settings window.
- If your settings fail to load, Bloxstrap now warns you about that.
- Added an easy option for resetting the FastFlag configuration back to defaults.
- When installing/upgrading Roblox, the progress is now shown in the taskbar.
Existing changes
- “Bloxstrap Menu” is now called “Bloxstrap Settings”, or just “Settings”. The dedicated shortcut for it is also now gone. To get to it, use the “Bloxstrap” shortcut.
- By default, there is now only one singular “Bloxstrap” shortcut which opens the launch menu. In settings, you can choose to create shortcuts for specifically opening settings or launching Roblox.
- Bloxstrap now installs Roblox to a static
, instead of a constantly changing\Versions\version-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\
folder. Therefore, it is now possible to make applications locate RobloxPlayerBeta without having to worry about the location changing. - Also, there’s no longer a dedicated option for disabling fullscreen optimizations. Instead, you can now do it through compatibility settings.
- “Fast Flags” are now referred to as “Engine Settings” to better reflect what purpose they serve for general users.
- Bloxstrap now shows friendly, helpful error messages when unable to write to the registry, or when the install process fails.
- When creating a custom integration, the name is now autofilled when you choose an application.
- Discord Rich Presence no longers displays the word “Playing” on your activity details, now just showing the game name.
- The “Behaviour” tab in Settings has been split into two smaller tabs: “Bootstrapper” and “Bloxstrap”.
- Better bootstrapper error handling, will allow Roblox to continue launching if there’s a connectivity error.
- All options in Bloxstrap Settings (such as configuration of mod presets) now take effect only and immediately when you click the Save button.
Bug fixes
- Bloxstrap’s installation system has been completely rewritten. Besides the new installer UI, the new system should be far more stable, addressing all the issues with it that existed before.
- Fixed flag presets being cleared when setting the texture quality to Automatic.
- For the font size flag preset, negative font sizes can now be set for making text smaller than default.
- The flag preset for the legacy escape menu options should now be fixed.
- Fixed font file validation
Flag editor
- PlaceFilter flags are now properly supported in the flag editor
- Importing a flag with a null value no longer causes a crash
- Sorting the table by value no longer breaks things
- The option for the advanced graphics quality slider is now gone, as it broke some time back.
- Malay and Czech are now supported languages.
- Support for Bengali, Bosnian, Filipino, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Norwegian, and Chinese Traditional (Hong Kong) have had to be removed due to a lack of translators. If you want to get into contributing translations, learn how to.
Bloxstrap v2.7.0
Hello! Sorry about the dumpster fire that was v2.6, I had to rush the release of that on short notice, with no time for testing. It was a rough couple of weeks but things have cleared up now.
- Localization has been fully implemented, finally! By default it follows your system language, but you can manually choose one in the Bloxstrap Menu’s appearance tab too. Massive thank you to all the translators who contributed!
- In the flag editor, the JSON import utility now allows you to easily import from a file
- Added the ability to easily disable the configuration of any Fast Flags (intended for troubleshooting purposes)
- Added the ability to use unsupported Roblox app languages
- Added the ability to easily open Roblox’s current log file, through the activity tracker menu
Existing changes
- On version upgrade, the new release notes now open in a webpage instead of just a notification popping up.
- The prompt to confirm second instance launching is now optional, being disabled by default
- Bootstrapper styles have now been given more sensible names
- The presets section of the Fast Flags tab has been given a complete refresh, with loads more options, and fixes for problematic presets.
- A proper error message is now shown for downloads that failed verification
- Functionality for custom integrations has been vastly improved, with the added ability to specify files instead of only executables, applications now launching with the same working folder as the executable’s location, and a file picker dialog.
- Exception dialog message now makes reference to the Wiki, telling you to read it first before opening an issue.
- Improved readability of menu alert bar
- Scroll bars in the Bloxstrap Menu are now always shown
Bug fixes
- Fixed inconsistent handling of desktop app closing for “Don’t exit to desktop app” integration
- Fixed performance bug with the activity tracker (which was also contributing to the above issue)
- Fixed bug with installation erroring if the given path had a lowercase drive letter
- Fixed BloxstrapRPC not working under certain foreign system locales
- Fixed bug with JSON exporter in the flag editor erroring when copying to the clipboard
- Fully implemented flag editor validation, as I didn’t do it properly last time, now validating flag types and values too.
- Added handler for if a log file cannot be written
Bloxstrap v2.6.1
That didn’t go as planned. Look it’s 12 AM and my physics final is in 2 days im so tired
Bug fixes
Fixed the Git hash being included in the version number. That’s a recent .NET change that I forgot to account for.
Removed the administrator privileges check.
Speaking of removals, I just realized I forgot to remove the “preferred materials” Fast Flag preset. Don’t use that. It won’t do anything.
That’s it, nothing more. Please see the 2.6.0 changelog for everything else that has changed since 2.5.4.
Bloxstrap v2.6.0
Hi guys i just remembered the password to my account
- New launcher styles! Now being closer to the contemporary Roblox launcher, especially the new Mac launcher.
- If you launch Roblox while you’re already in a Roblox game, you’ll be prompted for confirmation so that you don’t close your existing game by accident
Existing changes
- The flag for Bloxstrap FPS unlocking is now not set unless necessary
- Menu footer now follows Windows 11 Mica colouring
- The “Disable desktop app” mod option is now the “Don’t exit to desktop app” integration. This also fixes the issue of Roblox crashing when exiting a game. Activity tracking is required for this to work.
- Big scary warnings have been added to the Fast Flag editor. Spooky. If you’re confused as to where it is, it’s at the bottom.
- Saving your changes in the menu is now non-destructive, and does not close it anymore
- Activity tracker information fetching is now more efficient
- Trying to install with administrator privileges is now blocked
- Embedded links in text are now higlighted in colour
- TrueType Collection (.ttc) fonts are now supported as choosable fonts
- In the flag editor, the “Import JSON” functionality has been moved to the “Add” dialog
Bug fixes
- Dragging the table header of the Fast Flag editor does not cause a crash anymore
- Connectivity checking is now much more efficient in the event of network failures
- Having a custom font configured on first installation no longer causes the install process to error
- Fixed permission errors when trying to remove a custom font
- Added support for recent changes in Roblox’s deployment system which was causing those “403 (Forbidden)” errors that forced me to release this in the first place
- Multi-instance launching has now been removed
We’ve also been working hard on adding support for localization and translations too. Expect to see those soon as a small patch update!
Bloxstrap v2.5.4
Yep, another bugfix release. Primarily to help mitigate the number of issues brought on from the past week or so.
- Fixed option for font modding not showing on older versions of Windows
- Fixed text overflow in the flag import dialog
- The channel selector has been removed, and using a restricted channel will auto-switch you to the default one.
- Removed option to configure rendering mode due to how much instability it causes. It will be added back in the future when better precautions are in place.
Bloxstrap v2.5.3
This release fixes a bunch of stuff that I overlooked. Namely, just the following two problems:
- Fixed selected escape menu version not applying when choosing either V1 or V2
- Fixed deployment mirror selection not properly checking for errors (yknow, that “503 (Service Unavailable)” error that was probably happening to you earlier today)
I’m not gone, I’m just busy, but I do have a bunch of big things and changes planned. See you until then, unless I end up making another bugfix release.
Bloxstrap v2.5.2
Oh, already? Well, this is just to clean up a bunch of things that I missed out on last time around, so there isn’t much here. Testing in production is awesome. Wouldn’t recommend it though.
- Fixed a bug with an “access is denied” error sometimes being thrown when launching Roblox
- More friendly error messages are shown for common issues (failed auto-updating, shortcut creation, etc)
- Fixed a bug with closing the dialog while launching not actually stopping the bootstrapper
- Fixed default application opener not working properly
- Added mitigations for the “decryption operation failed” error, which has been plaguing users for a while
- Fixed selected theme not applying to the notification area icon menu
Bloxstrap v2.5.1
So about that whole “not being forced to release updates on short notice” thing… guess what happened this time? Roblox updated something that broke activity tracking today, so here we are. Luckily for you guys, I managed to cram in most of the bugfixes queued in the todo list just yesterday.
- Activity tracking has been fixed (of course)
- Fixed a bunch of typos
- Connectivity checking has been improved
- Fixed selected channel sometimes not applying
- Flag names can now be edited in the FastFlag editor
- Added further restrictions when choosing an install location (can’t be the root of a drive, can’t be in a user profile folder, etc)
- Improved problems relating to file access conflicts
- Fixed problems with exception dialog sometimes showing multiple times
- Exception dialog now lists all the inner exceptions for the relevant error
- Clipboard copying has been fixed
- Improved problems relating to bootstrapper cancelling
- Channel now defaults to LIVE if it doesn’t exist
- Fixed selected escape menu version not showing
- Altering mods no longer takes effect while Roblox is running, which was causing errors
- FastFlag importing from JSON can now be done by copy-paste instead of file selection
- Fixed a bug with BloxstrapRPC rich presence configuration not applying when joining a game
- Ability to change install location after installation has been removed
- Built-in dropdown for channel selection has been removed
- Antialiasing quality preset has been removed due to it causing rendering issues on Nvidia cards